Unleashing Creativity: A Conversation with Mike Brennan on the Power of Daily Creative Habits

Uncategorized Feb 05, 2024


In a world where creativity is the cornerstone of innovation and personal growth, establishing a daily creative habit can be the key to unlocking your best work. We recently had the privilege of sitting down with Mike Brennan, a Creative Consultant and Communicator, who shared his insights on how to harness creativity and make it an integral part of your daily life and work. Mike's journey is marked by a decade-long commitment to his Daily Creative Process, and he helps individuals, organizations, and entrepreneurs leverage creativity for success.

Mike Brennan's Journey:

Mike Brennan is no stranger to the world of creativity and innovation. With an impressive portfolio that includes work for clients such as Heineken and Chase Bank, as well as featured art in renowned institutions like the Ronald McDonald House and the I.D.E.A. Museum in Mesa, Arizona, Mike has established himself as a creative force to be reckoned with. He blends creativity, innovation, and productivity seamlessly, offering valuable insights into making creativity a sustainable part of our daily lives.

The Significance of a Daily Creative Habit:

In our conversation, Mike emphasized the importance of bridging the gap between creative vision and execution. He noted that many individuals often feel overwhelmed by their creative aspirations, unsure of how to take the first step. Mike's philosophy is grounded in the idea that creativity should be approached incrementally, just like any other skill. He explained, "No one sits down and writes a book. They write sentences and paragraphs at a time. An artist doesn't create a masterpiece in one sitting. She shows up, time and again, putting in the work." The path to greatness, according to Mike, is built upon a series of small, consistent efforts.

The Daily Creative Process:

Mike shared his signature Daily Creative Process, which has been refined over ten years of practice. He offers practical steps for putting more innovation into your life and business. This process includes time management techniques, goal-driven creativity, and sustainable methods for making creativity a part of your daily routine. By breaking down creative projects into manageable steps, he helps creatives overcome the paralysis that often comes from envisioning grand outcomes.

Overcoming Barriers to Creativity and Innovation:

Mike highlighted some common barriers that hinder creativity and innovation in the workplace, including a lack of inspiration, permission, and opportunity, as well as competing priorities. He firmly believes that establishing a daily creative habit can help address these challenges by providing the inspiration and permission we often seek. With consistent effort, creativity becomes an integral part of our lives, making it easier to prioritize and integrate into our busy schedules.

Visual Aids and Creativity:

During our conversation, Mike touched upon the role of visual aids and presentations in fostering creativity, productivity, and innovation. He explained that visuals play a crucial role in helping individuals understand complex ideas and concepts. Visuals can communicate ideas more clearly and make it easier for teams to collaborate and innovate effectively.

Unlocking Personal Passion:

Mike also shared a valuable insight from his own journey: the importance of personal passion projects. He believes that these projects are a must for every creative individual. They provide a space for exploration and allow us to follow our curiosity. Personal passion projects can reignite our creative spark and help us break free from the mundane, transforming our workspaces into vibrant and thriving hubs of creativity and innovation.


In our interview with Mike Brennan, we discovered the power of establishing a daily creative habit and how it can serve as a catalyst for unlocking your best work. Mike's insights, born from years of experience and practice, offer a roadmap for individuals and organizations looking to infuse their work with creativity and innovation.

For more inspiration and practical tips on creativity and innovation, you can connect with Mike Brennan on social media:

Mike's dedication to helping creatives and entrepreneurs find consistency in their creative endeavors is a testament to the transformative power of a daily creative habit. We encourage you to explore Mike's work and embark on your own journey towards unlocking your creative potential.

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